Are You Using These Trends in Real Estate Marketing to Boost Sales and Listings in 2023?

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Staying updated on real estate trends can help you find ways to boost business this year. What Kinds of 2023 Trends Can You Use to Drive More Sales and Listings? Keep the following trends in mind for your real estate business.

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video marketing

Using video to market properties for sale gives you an additional way to attract interested home buyers. While you can still use traditional signs placed in front of homes that you market, these may not generate as much business as video marketing. When you rely on video marketing, you are able to reach a large number of potential home buyers.

sms marketing

How do real estate agents use text messaging to capture leads? They start by marketing their listing online and with effective signage. Next, they enable Text Announces, the mobile marketing system that connects agents and properties in a way that allows for seamless marketing on mobile devices. Texting is faster and easier than phone calls or email and can be done easily on the spot. Pew Research Center tells us that the most popular application on all smartphones is text messaging and more 31% of smartphone users prefer texting over voice calls.

Single Property Websites

Search engine optimization (SEO) can make it easier for home buyers to find properties for sale when you set up separate websites for these homes. Single property websites provide a simple yet effective way of reaching out to interested home buyers. These websites give them enough information to help them determine if they are interested in scheduling a tour.

social media engagement

Social media platforms provide a great way to interact with home buyers and sellers. Posting relevant content on your social media pages and responding to comments on your posts can help you establish relationships with people who are looking to sell or buy a home.

online tourism

Online tours of properties have become more common over the years. While many home buyers still prefer to view homes in person, offering online or digital tours can be useful in some situations, such as when you have interested buyers who live out of state.

If you need more help using Real Estate Trends, contact PropertiesOnline. We provide marketing tools to help your real estate business thrive, including real estate websites, single property websites, smart lead capture and more.

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